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Colorful Crystal

Reiki Training

Are you ready to tap into a boundless well of healing energy and unlock your true potential?


If so, it's time to explore the beautiful world of Reiki!


Whether you're new to this ancient practice or have already been attuned, there's always more to discover on your Reiki journey.

What is Reiki?


Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing, has gained immense popularity for its profound impact on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

reiki training with nicola shannon reiki master dublin
reiki level 1 training with nicola shannon reiki master dublin

What is Reiki Level 1?


If you're a newcomer to Reiki our Reiki Level 1 weekend will guide you through the fundamentals, providing you with the attunements to channel and harness the universal life force energy.


Imagine having the ability to promote balance, reduce stress, and enhance overall vitality in yourself and others – Reiki empowers you to do just that.

reiki level 2 training with nicola shannon reiki master dublin

What is Reiki Level 2?


For those already attuned to Reiki, now is the perfect moment to elevate your practice. Our Reiki Level 2 weekend will deepen your connection to the energy, enabling you to explore more advanced techniques and broaden your healing capabilities with Reiki sacred symbols and distant healing.

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What is a Reiki Share?


Anyone attuned to Reiki, any degree and any lineage, is welcome to join us at our Dublin Reiki Share. Under the guidance and with the gentle support of Reiki Master Nicola Shannon we will all give a treatment & receive a treatment. It is a safe, non judgmental space to practice your treatments, ask any questions & meet like minded friends, meet up with people you trained with. Nicola will lead us in a meditation at the end of our practice & we have an opportunity to add any names for Distance Healing.

Your Experiences


My Experience

Without sounding all woo woo or airy fairy..I suppose from a young age I always had good faith, a belief in something much bigger. Whether it be God or spirit or just a higher authentic version of myself. I wasn't sure what. So for me, Reiki found me when I was ready & prepared to explore this higher connection. I fell in love with it and the idea of being able to channel this loving healing energy to others.


I love that Reiki works on all areas, emotional, mind, body & spirituality. I love that when I am in that space of channeling healing to another that I have the support of my guides and angels and those of my client, a personal army of support wanting the absolute best for the client.

For Your Reiki Journey - Ur Sacred Space Items & Downloads

Nicola put me at ease straight away, I was anxious & unsure of what to expect, little did I know then what an amazing change this would bring about in my life!


People around me have noticed a change in me for the better & I know its Reiki.

What a powerful experience! Much more than I expected. A lovely safe space. Looking forward to my new adventure with Reiki in my life. Nicola is amazing at what she does and the girls are so welcoming 

The  training weekend was so much more than just learning about how to use Reiki, I have formed friendships with people I never would have crossed paths with & these friends bring so much value into my life. We support each other on our own journeys & the path feels so much easier with them beside me!

What a weekend. Safe beautiful space. Powerful experience I’ll never forget. Girls were lovely. I felt the love. I could let go and felt safe to do so. Looking forward to these 21 days of self healing. I have found my calling . Nicola is superb at what she does. Definitely will be back to do level 2 with Nicola Shannon.

Nicola is the most kindest, gentle soul you will ever meet. I feel so privileged to have her as my Reiki Master.


She is so compassionate and empathetic, she has really given me the confidence to believe in myself.

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